Course Description

"Sew in the Flow" sounds like there is no effort involved. Is that even possible? What if it was?

I'm not saying there is no work involved, I'm not saying you're not going to be busy or never face a challenge. I'm saying that stress, worry, self-doubt, exhaustion and overwhelm are not required to build a business, in fact - not surprisingly - things get a whole lot easier without these all too well known travel companions. 

What if running your sewing business and making a living doing what you love wasn't hard?

When you turn your creative passion into a business what used to be fun, a beloved hobby, now comes with a lot of other things to figure out and deal with:

  • Finding clients - including your online presence (website, social media, auto-responder etc. ) and marketing your business (if you're an introvert you're probably not excited about this)
  • Pricing and charging your clients (Got any unhelpful beliefs about money? They'll bite you in the b..t, guaranteed.)
  • Time management (too much to do, not enough time .. do you sometimes wish the day had a few more hours? .. I sure did)
  • Difficult or demanding clients (how to say no and set boundaries and still be kind, compassionate and generous)
  • "From Manic to Panic" - The emotional rollercoaster of being your own boss and how to enjoy the ride
  • Running a one woman show -  how to do it all without burning out
  • Lack of support/understanding from family and friends (when your partner wants you to be around more, the kids want you to take them to football and all you want is create, without feeling guilty)
  • Where are you taking your business? - setting your business up for growth 

What if you could run your business without these challenges stressing you out, without feeling like you're pushing a heavy cart up a hill?

Your creative potential, when you're in flow and things just unfold naturally, is like a river. The challenges that come with making a business out of a passion are like debris blocking the free flow of the river.

In the "Sew in the Flow" Sewing Business Mastermind Program we'll remove the debris and make sure no new debris gets thrown into the river so that your business can flow along smoothly and you can focus on what you love - creating beautiful things.

In the 8 weeks we work together we look at each one of these challenges, giving you a new perspective, clearing out any unhelpful beliefs you may have around it, providing you with clarity but also tools and action steps you can implement and experience instant improvement.

Steve Chandler, one of the world's most respected coaches, says, "When life feels hard it just means you're believing a bunch of stuff that simply isn't true". 

We'll work together to uncover and get rid of that "stuff" so you can let go of the struggle and create the business and life you really want.

This is for you if you

  • are in the early stages of your business and find yourself swinging "from manic to panic" and back, or have been around for a while, feel stuck in the "manic mode" and are looking for a way to have less stress and earn more money, without working even more.
  • are passionate and enthusiastic about what you want to create in the world (you know .. when you can't talk about it without getting all emotional)
  • understand that success is an inner game (the best productivity hacks and marketing strategies won't work if you come from a place of fear and we all sometimes do)
  • enjoy challenging the limits of what's possible (that's how new and exciting things get created, it's also hugely liberating and loads of fun)
  • understand why top athletes have coaches (just as we can't see our own typos it often takes someone who really gets you to point out the blind spots that make life and business hard)

It's NOT the right fit for you if you are

  • still in the planning stages of your business
  • looking to learn sewing techniques 
  • certain you'll be better off on your own
  • happy to just earn a little money on the side from your sewing and don't plan to develop it into a "real" business
  • not ready to go below the surface of tools, tips, tricks and techniques

Self Study, Mentoring Group or VIP - Which Option is right for you?

If you are self-motivated, disciplined and prefer to work at your own pace the Self Study version is a great option for you. You won't be on your own: you'll get feedback and support through our private Facebook group. I'll be active there so no question remains without an answer.

I never understood the power of a small group until I experienced it during my coach training. I had some of my most profound insights while listening to someone else being coached. Meeting colleagues and building a support network beyond this program is an invaluable resource you´ll have available going forward. Of course, you get out what you put in. The more you engage, the more you share the more powerful the experience. If you're ready to share your journey with others the Mentoring Group is perfect for you.

If you prefer extra support and private attention to get better results faster, if you want me in your corner the VIP option is the best choice for you. You get everything self-study and mentoring group participants get PLUS personal attention from me. Apart from private zoom calls you can email me whenever something comes up you'd like to address in between sessions.

How Does It Work?

For 8 weeks, a new video lesson will be available every week, here in your private course area. We'll cover the challenges I talked about earlier. There'll be worksheets, additional reading and bonus video lessons to help you have the insights you need to move forward in your business. 

A private facebook group is the place for you to connect with others and get your questions answered. I'll be active and available in the group so you'll never be on your own.

If you choose the Mentoring Group you'll be invited to a bi-weekly live zoom call ( is virtual meeting room software, a bit like skype just better and really easy to use) - for the duration of the 8 weeks, starting when you enroll. We'll find days and times that work best for everyone but if you can't make a live call or if you want to watch any of the calls again the recordings will be available for you in the course area. 

If you choose VIP support you'll have, in addition to the group calls, 4 private 60 minute zoom calls with me. The recordings of the calls will be available to watch and download for you only.


What You'll Get Self-Study Mentoring Group VIP
Weekly video lessons (8 in total) x x x
Worksheets, additional reading, bonus videos x x x
Private Facebook Group x x x
Bi-weekly LIVE group calls (4 in total)
x x
Recordings of live group calls
x x
4 x private 1:1 calls (you can book them any time you want)

Recordings of 1:1 calls

Unlimited personal email support

Regular Price
One payment of  €199 One payment of €279 One payment of €597

Are You Ready?

Coach Dov Gordon shares what every business owner goes through:

In the beginning we oversimplify things, later we overcomplicate (that's where most people give up), then we reach true simplicity.

If you're ready to let go of over-complicating and struggle and enjoy true simplicity and flow I'm here to guide you and look forward to working with you.

You and your business will be in a different place by Christmas.

Creative Business Coach showing passionate entrepreneurs a better way to build their business, Dressmaker for Flamenco Artists

Anke Herrmann

I left my corporate job in 2004 with the idea to move to Spain and start my own sewing business, with nothing more than a passion for sewing and plenty of enthusiasm. A few years later I was overworked and burnt out. Several profound insights started the turnaround for me and once I really understood that I had created that business and that stress is optional I knew I wanted to help other passionate creative entrepreneurs bring the sense of flow that makes them love their art or craft to the way they run their business. 

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • I'm looking forward to our journey together

    • Welcome & Next Steps

    • Instructions for using Zoom (the virtual meeting software we use for all calls)

    • Please introduce yourself!

  • 2

    Video Lessons

    • Module 1: Finding Clients

    • Module 1: Marketing Made Simple

    • Module 2: Pricing & Getting Paid

    • Module 3: Time Management & Productivity

    • Module 4: Dealing With Difficult And Demanding Clients

    • Module 5: "From Manic to Panic" - The emotional rollercoaster of being your own boss and how to enjoy the ride

    • Module 6: Running a one woman show - how to do it all without burning out

    • Module 7: Dealing With Lack Of Support And Understanding From Family And Friends

    • Module 8: Where are you taking your business? - Setting your business up for growth

  • 3

    Video Lesson Presentations - Downloads

    • Module 1: Presentation 1 - Who is your perfect client

    • Module 1: Presentation 2 - How to market your business

    • Module 2: Presentation - Pricing & Getting Paid

    • Module 3: Presentation - Time Management & Productivity

    • Module 4: Presentation - Dealing with difficult clients

    • Module 5: Presentation - From Manic to Panic - The emotional rollercoaster of being your own boss

    • Module 6: Presentation - Running a One Woman Show

    • Module 7: Presentation - Dealing with lack of family support

    • Module 8: Presentation - How to set up your business for the future

  • 4


    • Module 1: Your perfect client worksheet

    • Module 3: Productivity Boost worksheet

    • Module 6: Declutter Your Day worksheet

    • Module 8: Setting Your Business Up For the Future worksheet

  • 5

    Group Call Recordings

    • Group Call 1 - 26 Oct. 2017

    • Group Call 2 - 31 Oct. 2017

    • Group Call 3 - 16 Nov 2017

    • Group Call 4 - 30 Nov 2017

    • Group Call 5 - 04 Jan 2018

    • Group Call 6 - 18 Jan 2018

    • Group Call 7 - 08 Feb 2018

    • Group call 8 - 22 Feb 2018

  • 6

    Bonus Material

    • Recommended Resources- Absolute Favourite Books & Classes

    • "The Real Source of Stress" by Dr. George Pransky

    • How long does it take to make a living from sewing

    • From the Facebook Live Archives: What gets in the way of creative flow

    • From the Facebook Live Archives: A word about tools

    • From the Facebook Live Archives: Time Management

    • From the Facebook Live Archives: Focus on your best clients

    • The 7 Keys to Running a Successful Sewing Business

    • From the Facebook Live Archives: How to price your sewing work

    • Top 8 Tools I Use To Sew Flamenco Dance Costumes

    • Working Alone & Feeling Lonely

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.